VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Thank You to Friends Who Check In on Me

I got a message this morning from a friend who faithfully reads the blog and contacts me when she thinks I need a familiar word or encouragement. Today was such a day.  I wrote back and then realized that I lean on more than allowing others to lean on me. I really should consider the fact that we all have our mountains to climb, and mine is no rockier than the next. Just mine.

Yesterday was a particularly tough day for me. So much crap hits the fan far too often here, too many idiots get away with stupidity, and one has to be on one's toes all the time.  A new friend was very encouraging with me - she listened, she advised, she offered support, however I needed it.

Today's goal is to get the upstairs back to basics.  Plus furniture and water heater I am donating.  But the process is difficult. Especially when you couple it with eating. The Chinese restaurants only open up late at night here where I live. That I guess is because they are all busy working all day. So, taking a page from that, I guess I need to accept where I am right now in getting my life in order, and quit whining.  Before I do that, here is the cause of the whining right now.

Packing my other bag today. Anything I wear from today forward will peel off and go in the trash. Right down to undies. I like that!  You can imagine what kind of wardrobe I will be wearing that is trash barrel worthy. 

I cried yesterday. Could not figure out what to eat. Am grazing thru the fridge to clean out food and could not face that again. Option in KT?  KFC or McD. Or food poisoning in a food stall. I realized any choice here is chicken. The Chinese restaurants open too late at night to wait. I cannot do another rare chicken   So I cried and ate popcorn at home. 

I am ok today. I had an ice cream bar for breakfast. :)

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