VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You Need a Laugh I Need a Break

Went to pos office today to mail my batik art home to myself. I had planned on sending it to my Lake address as I wanted it to go cheap and long time travelling. Nope, not gonna work.  I sorry miss, but too big.  What?  It weighs about 1, maybe 2 pounds.  No. miss, it too big - long big.  But can send pos laju.  We do that, but first, must wrap plastic wrap around, lie dat.  Please sell me some plastic wrap and dont tell me what it will cost right now to mail it pos laju.  We dont have.  Where might I get some?  A few discussions produced - the stationery shop. I know where that is, so off I sped before she left for her break.

I need plastic packing wrap please for a parcel I am mailing. Looks like I have 10 heads were produced and no words spoken.  Please, I need plastic wrap for mailing, I was told to come here. We do not have.  Well do you have any kind of plastic wrap that is like food wrap but a bit heavier. No, we do not have, it finish.  No, no, it never finish, you likely never had any. Please tell me where I can get it, because you dont seem to have any.  You know - like the kind we see on the furniture we have delivered. OH, FRANNIE, WRONG PHRASE.

Ok, lah, you go to furniture shop. They have.
No they don't, that was just an example. Never mind. sell me this stuff -It appears to be sticky to itself kind. How much is here?  There is no dimensions on the package.  It is RM20.  No, how much length? It does not say lah.  I know that, DO YOU KNOW?

I BUY A ROLL and off I go back to pos office. I now have access to the back counter - where the plate glass door is locked. They let the white lady in because I spend enough for all of them to get a raise.  Everyone greets me and giggles. Auntie is behind the counter.  I asked them when I get paid - this Friday? Next week?  they giggle again. Probably half have no idea what I just said.

Now down to work. We team up and figure out how to unstick the clear plastic from its backing and begin to apply it to the parcel that will be couriered to Canada.  Finally mummified in plastic coating, my parcels are ready for travel.  Turns out I never had to change from glass to plastic after all - pos laju mails just about anything - because they take all your money to do so.  I paid the bill, I then asked - when can they expect this parcel in Canada?  I look, just wait.  Ok lah. Maybe 1 week. Maybe 2 week.
I smile.  I leave.  I will likely be home before my express courier parcel arrives after being padded with a very hefty fee for the speed - all because some little carrier person cannot lift a 4 foot long package in the regular mail department.  I am leaving in 2 weeks.  I should have just carried it onto an Air Canada flight and had my fights with my own kind.

I will be sure to post the art here once I hang it at home. Probably some time before Christmas should be a safe guess.

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