VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

2 days and then home

I cannot believe it. It has been such a long time coming, and now, a matter of hours - not days before I begin the trek home.  I have enjoyed the stay in a hotel. That is a big step for me, I normally dislike hotels.  But this one is so spacious, quiet, and conducive to relaxation.  All the ingredients that  I needed.  It is amusing with all the food and beverage staff here. They seem to be in a big competition for employee of the month, so they fall all over themselves trying to be the best employee. They are almost annoying with the cards for me to fill in on their behalf. The first one who was brave enough to bring his card to me must have told the others because the come to me with their card every time I go to any of the lounges or food outlets.  The head chef brought me a plate full of cheesecakes slices when I told him I enjoy cheesecake.  I could not possibly eat it all, so they packed it up and sent it to my room. Good thing I am wearing yoga pants home - I dont think anything else would fit if I actually consume that package of treats.

Tomorrow is repacking day, lining up the bags, and getting to bed early so I can dream about reuniting with my family. I was a lucky lady to have so many visits from Ryan while I lived here.  Right until the end of my residency here;  he even managed to see me in Singapore just before I left K.T. I cant get more attention than that.

As for television here - thank God I did not live here for three years. No Singapore means pure local viewing and a bit of the stuff that cable channels dump on subscribers.  Glad also that I dont count on television for a diversion.  I did find a BBC news channel, but that gets kind of depressing watching news about storm systems, terrorists, and anything else newscasters thing we want to see.

Now as it is almost 9:30, I really should prepare for bed. It's late for a vacation lady.

36 hours until the next journey begins

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