VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, September 13, 2013

It's Saturday. It's Raining. I wont miss this a bit

I was smart enough to get up early and pack a box - getting it to the pos office before mr. monsoon hit us again.  I look out at my patio and beyond. The jungle raging to fight this vicious rain and wind. The thunder and lightning roaring and flashing like no other.  I have lived in thunderstorm regions, but never did I have to deal with them on a daily basis year round.  They are a novelty, a natural show to watch and be in awe. But you cannot watch them here. The rain is too heavy to see anything but a wall of rain.  What will I not miss? Monsoons all year long with infrastructure that does not cater to the water accumulation.  And a car that does not have a defog cycle on the air system that allows the mist that accumulates in the car from heavy rain - to disappear.  Maybe I was supposed to stay here until I realized that what I had at home was pretty darn good. Maybe I had to go away from that to see what I could have, and end up setting my standards to that level.  I choose to go home. This Kota Tinggi week will be the toughest of the journey.  So many wonderful people who have become very good friends, and who I know will never come to Canada wait and watch as I say my good byes to them. Even Faizal at the first eatery where I managed to Skype with family early in 2011 said - no you will come back. It is silly, but this is actually more difficult than coming here. On that journey I knew I would be back. On this one, I am pretty confident I will not be back.  Saying these farewells is final. I love how I have caused some boundaries to shift. My Chinese friends hug me, and (dont tell anyone) muslim men do too. (very quick) They say it is because they want me to feel comfortable with my own customs.

7 days to KL
13 days to Canada

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