VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

convention over - 14 days before I hold my little people in my arms

My weary body is glad to be home. A long day. And the crazy hotel has the convention rooms on the 23rd floor with 3 elevators to access this. AND only two elevators work. So, decending the stairs - which keeping in true form for this country, was very difficult because the stair risers are not consistant, leaving one always guessing how much the drop will be. I think this deserves a wee nip, right?

The mentees made me proud. They did their work and presented the dioramas and various projects I have guided them through. The other mentees gathered around our booth in masses because none of them had seen or understood dioramas before, The visual of a real one was the key; they are all going back to their corners to make their own.

The DVD which I produced also had a large audience, giving them food for thought for the new year. They were seen writing the content of the DVD into their little note pads to prepare for January.

All in all; a successful but tiring day. And my old mentees gave rounds of hugs and kiss kisses once again.

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