VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mawai Preschool Convocation

The internet is not being my friend. I have had to reload the internet about a dozen times and it will likely fall off again any second now. So, picture uploads will not be possible tonight. And tomorrow night I am travelling to Batu Pahat for an all day meeting on Wednesday.  So you will have to wait.

But the kids were priceless. They were squealing 'Madam Frances' from the stage when they spied me, sitting in the front row in a lazy boy kind of chair, frocked in a gown much like the dean wears when you receive your degree at a university convocation. Seems the HM for the school had not arrived, and then left shortly after when he did. So I was the annointed representative for the school.  I am so glad I went, there were little boys and girls doing a traditional folk dance and then my little gaffers reciting the choral speaking I coached earlier this year. By 12:30 I explained I had to leave. There was serious disappointment - they wanted me to have lunch with them all. But I had the professional development seminar and still had to travel to JB to do that. As I  left and during the ceremonies too, the kids would run up to me, stare at me, and jabber in Malay. I have no idea what they were saying, but by the look in their sweet little faces I think it was something like "Why did you leave us? Wont you come back? We miss you. ' and so I assured them that I miss them too. We parted wtih our rounds of High Five  and broad grins as they ended a chapter of their young lives and prepared for the coming years, equipped with more Enlgish than the students a year older and their parents too.

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