VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Jeff was over for usual tea chat

During our conversation I mentioned that my new friend Cynthia (from the construction business down the street) was relieved to find out that she needn't keep a key for my house. She has been panicking about this since I asked. I managed to find other friends who are willing to be key holders in the event that the neighbour needs another key, or I come home keyless.  Seems the culture here is fearful that I will return and find something amiss, blame them, and a friendship destroyed. I cannot convince them that nothing can happen, and I would not blame them for anything. When I showed Jeff what Cynthia gave be because she does not have to look after the house he just said 'I hope you are writing all this down somewhere' , and so I am.  She gave me a lovely silver ring. We had begun to talk about jewelry and I said I preferred silver to gold, so immediately she dashed off and came back with the ring. I refused to take it but the more I refused, the more she insisted. And once I did take it, she relaxed.Drat, I should have said I only like solid gold bracelets.  By giving me something of value, I guess this somehow made her feel better about not wanting to keep my key. I also asked Cynthia who to call to repair my tv antenna. She had the name and I knew the location - next door to my RM2 store. Off I trotted, and ordered a service man to come to the house. He arrived, discovered the little white box that is a booster or something hotter than a firecracker. Replaced that, and turned on the tv. Voila, channels back for my viewing. RM40 and he was on his way. Deciding to sit and catch up on Asia news, I turned on the remote. Nada. Just a blue screen. But not just being a pretty face, I also took a card from the shop. Not something I make a habit of using, because I always get someone on the line who cannot figure out what I want. But this was important. I had just parted with RM40 and the job was not completed.  They sent the dude back, I showed him the hot little white box, and he fiddled with plugs and wires and then made a call. Handed me the phone. Good grief, what am I going to talk about? His English non existant, my Basa Malay, about the same, so someone on the line advised me that tomorrow a more advanced technician will be out to see what is 'going on in the line'. I think they mean my power supply, but not sure. So tvless again tonight. 

Not sure if I told you all that the side mirror was replaced. They dispatched someone all the way from JB to install a new 'snap in place' mirror. I wonder if this was cost effective? I also got my wish. My car was due for servicing but I wanted to wait until after vacation. I did not want the car all clean, shiney, and pretty just sitting here in monsoon rains and dust blowing when it is not raining. I wanted to at least drive the car a couple of times while it was clean, and the timing now would not have done that.  I had actually thought I would fix it temporarily - just like Red Green.  I knew I could find a small mirror about the right size at Econsave,and I still have a roll of duct tape that Jennifer sent me. Can you visualize my little proton whirring up the freeway with a shiny pink framed mirror duct taped to the sideview mirror thingy?  I think that would have been worthy of  a post all its own.  And once professionally repaired, I would have another mirror for my house.

Stay tuned for tomorrow and the tv antenna update.

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