VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Pomp of Convocation

Following is a set of photos where I was garbbed in the robes with Head Masters and preschool teachers from several communities.  I took the opportunity to take some photos myself when I watched everyone direct one finger upward in their unified action to indicated 'One Malaysia'.  Jumping off the stage and taking these photos I requested they do the One Malaysia again, along with the other two, which they undulged me after watching the children slap my hand happily in a high five gesture which I taught them. The thumbs up was to mimic the signs the students and I shared after their performance on the stage. That one was greeted with rounds of laughter and giggles.

hopefully I will get a copy of myself and the graduates on stage - all of us attired in robes.

Next, is the group from Air Tawar preschool, performing for us as the opening ceremony.  They did a traditional folk dance and looked like little men and women in their colourful costumes.

last minute adjustments, the walk, and the diploma

This one is one of the reasons I miss going to Sedili. These little girls look deep into your soul and speak to you where no words are necessary.
 I am so glad I was able to be part of their day. Immediately after receiving their diplomas and bears, the girls dashed over to my chair to show me their treasures.
My two mentees from SK Mawai should be very pround of themselves. They did a great job this year, and I know will continue on the same path next year, being a part of the evolution and education  of more 5 and 6 year olds in their community.

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