VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, November 17, 2011

technology repaired

seems I broke the cable connection to the antenna when I unplugged it, which caused a short in the system, making the booster box heat up. All well now, and back to the old channels. Yay. Somehow I paid for a new booster box, which the little man took back with him yeseterday. So, RM40 for nothing, but a second response today - so I guess I have paid for the visits and still use my old booster box.

two repairmen, one customer, no common language. But with mimes of thunderstorms I was able to ask "what do I do when there is thunder and lightening?"

They showed me what to unplug and how to disconnect the cable to the antenna - carefully.

And laughing all the way back to their truck, replying to my Terimah Kasih with many Sama Samas

Probably the best repair issue was yesterday. A nice Malay man arrived with the new mirror for my car, installed it and reset electrical items in the car. When I asked him if he would like a bottle of water for his return trip to JB, he replied with "whiskey, no no, I must drive".  That kind of humour is not common. It was refreshing to see a Muslim be able to make me laugh. My response was "then how about a pulled pork sandwhich" And then we both had a giggle.

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