VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the anatomy of a monsoon and other deep thoughts

I hope there are no authorities on this subject reading right now. I have decided that I have figured out what monsoons are all about, and don't really want to have anyone point a finger and laugh at me. So, if they do, I will just ignore. 

Since arriving in this tropical paradise I have witnessed a few weeks of complete dry spell, followed by the normal downpour at some point each day. If you too are a stubble jumper this does not surprise you - intense heat through the day causes serious thunder storms at the end of the day. That is what we have; and they seem to begin around 4 pm. Until recently, that was the pattern. Now, as we move into monsoons, this pattern gets skewed, and we experience the storms much earlier in the day and for much longer periods of time, and with far greater intensity. We also have downpours beginning in the morning and lasting most of the day. But I think what is happening is a phenomena that builds to the serious rainfall of November, December, and January, known as monsoon season here. What it looks like from my perspective is these thunderstorms arrive earlier each day, last a bit longer each time, and supposedly will blur into full day(s) of rain as the ETA of the storm backs up sufficiently to merge with the previous day,  causing flooding and other rain related problems.  As the time of each storm moves back on the clock, I am guessing that there will be no break in the rain; perhaps only a slowdown and lessening of the intensity. Sure am glad I wont be here to prove my thoughts right or wrong.

I am very excited, I found the perfect gift for my E.A. back in Canada.  I think she will like it. And if not, I will. Now all I have left is something for my international travel companion and benefactor. I know what to get, just have to find it. 

I received a super hero picture today - almost like uncle dude several years ago. I know uncle dude was superman but I dont think he was ever spidey.  Just look at those spidey webmakers on this super hero I have in my family! I wonder if there will be any trick or treat TREATS left for Nana?

Now back to work - writing reports, uploading them and sipping on my roiboos tea - safe and dry inside the house and away from the rain, rain , rain. It would be a stretch to call it the pitter patter on the rooftop.  More of a hammering.

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