VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I cant believe what I did, and moreso, I cant believe I am admitting it

I was away for a little more than 24 hours and came home to geckoville. They were traipsing around here like they own the place. Scurrying here, scurrying there - and darting under furniture when they saw me. I finally had enough, and pulled out the trusty cockroach spray. Following the little brats around I sprayed enough to make me cough. I cannot imagine what chaos I will return to when they have free reign for a month.  I dont mind them on the ceiling, I dont mind them on the walls, but I need to have some space I can call my own.  Dodging the little critters on the floor is not an option.  They have the 'other kitchen'. They have the patio.  Do you blame me? I dont need them for skeeters, I paid the big bucks for screens. 

Also spoke with other mentees who left later than I from the B P meeting. Seems I managed to drive ahead of the monsoon.  Lucky me. There were washouts, flash floods, and general nasty driving, but I only hit a few showers on my drive.  Glad I did that.  Now to find a mirror for that sideview slot on the car so I dont ram some stupid scooter man on my drive.

Think I will go up now to bed and spray a guard around my room to deter the geckos from that domain.


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