VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I cannot get internet. grrr

My colleague and myself have been trying for two days to be able to book some hotel in Singapore for our jaunt over that way. I finally convinced her that we can just go - look - book - stay - or come home the same day if that does not work out. She is ok with that. Not sure our friend John agrees, but he does not drive - so he is at our mercy.

My mentees were elated today. I had recently faxed everyone advising them of the meetings they must attend with me before the school year ends. I only today was told that I needn't have the last TPD on the second last day of school. You never saw a happier crowd. They were delighted. And so was I.

Just to give you an idea of how things work over here. Her lovely cell phone cannot make calls or send messages. She can receive calls and messages. Neither of us can get internet for more than a few minutes. So how do I do these posts, you ask? Word, microsoft word. Which was not an option when the bloody computer crapped out and ms word quit too. Now that was really mean.

Now, will turn on the internet and see where it takes me - maybe this will post, and maybe it wont.

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