VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, November 7, 2011

Need to pratice my typing

I read yesterday's post. It is not 25 degrees cooler than normal. More like 15 degrees cooler. Better take a keyboard coarse on my vacation.

I took the new mentor to all the old schools yesterday. It was nice to be back in that part of the country. The scenery is beautiful, the jungle sounds are incredible. And being a passenger instead of a driver makes it even better. One of the gate keepers was there so I introduced her to him. He is a sweet man, and was not sure how to express himself to her. She is 6 feet tall, so he said "very big, yes"? And we knew what he meant. Out in that area I am considered 'tall', so you can imagine what they think of a 6 foot tall woman.

Today I am preparing for the convention tomorrow. Making a DVD collage of past mentee/mentor work, building some poster boards of the dioramas to explain what the mentees will actually bring, and then meeting with the new mentor again to prepare her for her work. Another mentor is coming for dinner and stay over so we can get an early start to JB tomorrow morning for the convention. Also my Rotary Club pres. and wife will come back to assure my neighbour that they will be a contact for me while away. 

Might be a good idea to get busy doing what I have written here. Otherwise, a mad scramble when everthing is NOT DONE and the day is over.

For those of you following the corporate greed sit ins, here is a Saskabush take on the whole event. Kinda sums up the scenario.



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