VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

And on today's menu

wow, what a treat - Fish and Chips a la Sable Fish. My favourite is cod, but they were out of cod. Sable fish is one of my favourite fish but I had never wasted it on fish and chips in the past. Certainly will again. And Kollin agrees. She ate one whole piece of Nana's fish pieces.  Humming between bites and shaking with delight as each piece arrived at her little bird mouth.  Levi discovered that malt vinegar is might fine on french fries too, thanks to Nana.  Jenn managed to even have something to eat admit all the frantic noshing that was going on at our table.  I must admit I also snuck out to the mall and tossed back some onion rings at A & W.  It should be interesting to hear my report back in Malaysia as to what I did on my vacation.  It will be documented as a gastronomic adventure.

Tomorrow heading to a local school to entice the principal to enlist his primary class teachers in my pen pal project with JB.  I hope they find it as exciting as I do.  I even found a book to introduce pen pal projects to the students, so maybe they will allow me to read it to their classes before I take it back to Malaysia.  Then after that, a sail over to the Sunshine Coast for an overnight with a friend. I am looking forward to that and wish it could be longer, but duty calls in Vancouver. Nana, if you look closely, looks very much like nanny. Hmm, I wonder if that was intentional.  So, Nana must return to active duty on the home front. There are only about 3 weeks left for this vacation. I can hardly believe that one week has passed.

Dropped a Christmas present in the mail for some friends who stayed in Malaysia. I hope it will arrive before the big day. The postal service promised it would. Nothing much, but always nice to get a package from far away.

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