VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

going back to Sedili today

I advised my bosses that I will return to Sedili today with Frances 2.0 to properly introduce her to the Head Masters, Head Mistresses and those who were not at the convention yesterday.  The new mentor, Claire, has been nicknamed Frances 2.0. They were wondering what to call her initially - the other replacement mentor did a runner, and she was given that name. So, do we call this one 2.0 or is there a newer version I am not aware of? 

I introduced her around in the various venues at the convention. One mentor friend was very amusing. Claire, luckily has a good sense of humour. She has been warned of what happened before she arrived, so was armed with this knowledge. Deebra, after the introduction, said 'glad to meet you, my bet is on Christmas'. This was expanded - telling Claire that everyone was placing bets on when she would do a 'run'. I think she laughed 'with us'.  For those of you who don't know the story - another replacement was brought in, I introduced her around the schools, kindly put her up in my home because the hotels are nasty here, and supported her beyond what was expected and what I expected was necessary. She bolted from here after collecting a salary and took some of my clothing with her. In hindsight it was amusing.  This sort of news travels through the clusters quickly, so this poor woman now has to be viewed under a microscope with the name Frances 2.0 until she proves herself to everyone. 

I am looking forward to the cluster visit today - one last time for me to do that journey as a mentor.  Then time to let go and trust that the mentees will be well cared for.  This job is much like a mother planning an outing and leaving her children with a new babysitter. Lists, notes, and instructions for what ifs are crammed in the new mentors satchel.  She has been informed of the needs of each mentee on an individual basis. Not unlike what the children like and dislike for dinner, tv, and favourite toys. Time now to don the togs and drive off into the sunrise of Sedili and area. Listening to jungle noises, watching the road for monitor lizards, and dodging cows and wild boars along the route. I kinda hope I can see one more elephant with the new mentor this trip in her WUT-mobile (license plate number of our Protons).

Then tomorrow's journey to my own schools bringing good news about a library funding for one of my schools. How great is that?

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