VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, November 4, 2011

Cynthia, Roger, Yeah, and Hoe and even more

I had a chat with my neighbours today. Roger, Cynthia's son was driving by and saw me arrive home. I forgot who he was so asked him to state his business. He pointed in the direction of his family business and then I realized he was just being neighbourly. Anyway, Roger asked if I wanted him to translate today - I was supposed to pick up his mom for this but just getting home and exhausted from all the dysfunctional things that happened today, I drove past her office and thought ' next week will do.
I called out to the neighbours, and finally they came to the gate wondering who was shrieking at them in foreign words.

I rushed Roger to my side and we began our chat. They will look after my plants, but hesitantly. I told them if they died it was OK, they were guaranteed to die if I left them unattended, so do whatever they think they can to possibly keep them alive.  I will go over to the family business of Cynthia and family next week to drop off keys for everything. I want spare keys here in case these neighbours lose the key I give them. I dont want any stress for them at all. Cynthia is freaking out over that. She is so afraid something will go wrong. I told Roger to bring her over for a glass of wine and she will calm down. Neighbours are freaking out that my car will be in the same place as the plants. For some reason they seem to think bad things will happen to the car and they will be blames. The car is a piece of s**t, nothing can make it worse than it is.

So, Yeah (surely not how you spell it) is the mother of the children that frolic around there. Hoe (again spelling) is her brother.  Even they are afraid to get a gate key. Roger thought they could just hang over my wall and do the watering. Good grief.  Yeah is gonna teach me Mandarin. Yes, I really have tons of time to do this, but she was so pleased when I indicated that might be fun I had to say yes yes.

Now I am gonna pour a wee nip of wine and put the old feet up.  Then I will upload some incredible photos I took at my Chinese school today. They were so much fun to spend time with. They love English books, and they have ahd the library for over a week. Today, their teacher was very creative - after I read several of the books with them She had each child choose a book and then draw a picture from the book that they thought was their favorite picture in the book. You are going to be blown away with what they did. And keep in mind - they are 7 and 8 years of age.

For now, the vino is breathing, so ta ta - I will return. Wine!  I really am preparing for the western world, aren't I?

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