VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Afternoon Tea in Kota Tinggi

After a flurry of shopping and cleaning, we entertained Yeet and her family and friend from Singapore for tea at the house Saturday afternoon.  Always trying to be sure of what can be safe to serve to vegans with diet concerns, we still goofed. The food fair, or known here as Pasar Malam was offering some kind of cookie that was promised to be egg free and all else.  Once opened, they looked more like small dense donuts or maybe a bun of sort, but on a plate they went and were offered.  After noticing there were no takers, Yeet volunteered the reason - we eat no onions.  Onions I thought, what the heck. So I cracked one open and sure enough - onions.  Bizarre, who puts onions in cookies?  So, those still sit in my kitchen awaiting the trash man.  Otherwise, the tea party went well, I presented a chair to Yeet because someone told me how much she admired my two chairs I own. Finally a way to pay her for the generous daily food delivery and wonderful Chinese medicine that arrives whenever I have some odd ailment.  She shyly sat it in, because I had made a sign indicating "Yeet's Chair" before they arrived.  Turns out she loved the chair but was thinking of her mother when she spoke about it. So, the chair will not be living in Kota Tinggi - it will travel to Pontian (south west of here, on the west coast looking on the shores of Indonesia).

Today I hope that we take it easy.  I need to gather my few things to take to Phuket and then methodically close up the house for the time I will be away.  Still have to go to the wifi cafe to book the hotel.  I sure hope they are up and running today.

And of course, after the tea party, the guests departed, a few minutes later the familiar 'hello' at the gate.  Hoo carrying a dish and Wee Wee accompanying him with another, we had our dinner once again.  Beautiful lotus root sliced and dressed with vinegar and sprinkled with sesame seeds.  And, knowing my  joy whenever curry is around, some sort of vegetable bits sprinkled with curry leaves.  I have been told not to eat the curry leaves, but today the message was all the leaves are completely edible in this dish.  They were flash fried or something, making them crunch in your mouth like delicate potato chips bursting with that magnificent curry flavour.

Hoo sweety acknowledges my thank your with a low bow and 'welcome'.  I have been trying very hard to learn Mandarin for 'thank you' and 'your welcome'.  Yesterday, I did my thank you in Mandarin, which caused a broad grin on his face.  Xiexie is thank you in Mandarin.  I am still working on your welcome, but need cue cards each time. 'Buyongkeqi' your welcome' in Mandarin is not easy to remember or pronounce.

Bon Apetit.  It was marvellous.

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