VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More Generous Gifts

While snivelling and not hearing a word because of the incredibly plugged up head I heard the familiar  'hello' at my gate.  Yeet arrived with a tape measure.  She went to work, measuring my french doors to the patio.  All day long, she was back with the tape measure and pieces of screen.  She was so fearful that I would contract dengue again that she screened the doors so that I could keep them open for fresh air.  What a treat!  Now with most of the front of my house open to nature, with a barrier of screens to keep out critters and skeeters, I am the only resident in our complex that has this amenity.  I told her that when I leave Malaysia she must uninstall them and take them to her own home.

Of course, no money is accepted for this latest kindness. So now to figure out how to pay her in another way.  Munching on fresh watermelon slices she brought was what I did that afternoon, while surveying the jungle across the street and drifting in and out of consciousness induced by antihistamines that would set an ox on its behind.  Not too shabby huh? I waited in anticipation for the soap opera "India, a Love Story" to come on TV. I loved watching the dramatic vignettes with music much like 'Chariots of Fire' and slow motion movement that were a regular theme. Always gave me a giggle. Sadly, they must have replaced it with some other drivel.  I was just getting hooked on the storyline.  There is no such thing as a TV guide here, so you just turn on the set and see what will happen.

So, how does one pay a kind and generous person for all she does? She is a vegetarian with very specific foods in her diet, does not drink alcohol, and has no interest in material things. I bought her a chair that someone told me she really liked (like one that she admired in my own house).  Turns out she did not like it for herself, she knew her mother would love one. At least I was able to provide something she wanted, but even then she never wants anything for herself. Any ideas?

Sure would be nice to evolve into a person like this on this latest journey I have embarked upon. Maybe that should be my goal.

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