VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Results of My Vegan Diet

Do you think that all those nuts and berries are making me look fat? It seems to have caused my nose to get smaller though, hasn't it?

Now that my neighbour has been feeding me nothing but veggies, fruits, and nuts, I feel so much better, but there seems to be a serious growth in my face, wouldn't you say?

Sun is shining, birds are singing, and some crazy lizards are still chirping. Crazy lizards must not realize that it is the next day.  Their chorus is only during the night time hours.  I am now sitting at the computer awaiting a call from Ry, who is in India again, and hitting the upload button as I add files that have been awaiting a repaired website.  How droll.

As for that first picture, I cannot imagine how I have the nerve to post it.  But it does amuse me. I really DO NOT look like that. I play with my camera settings on the computer and that was the latest version of me while doing that.  I could not think of any other April Fools joke to play. April Fools is lost here. When you try to make a joke the locals take you seriously. So, you readers get to be my recipients. Now it might just come back and bite me. Many of you may just think that is exactly how I look.  For you, here is what I do look like, in a sepia version like the other, but hopefully with less chipmunk cheeks in my face. As for the vegan diet, it is great, and best of all - is delivered daily!
April Fools!

now back to work

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