VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday in Kota Tinggi

I managed to get some work done this morning and then hit a block in the uploading of files. So, what is a girl to do other than go to JB and have a Thai massage. Unfortunately, my favourite Thai Massage person has moved on. It seems that Pa has moved to Sentosa.  Not sure if that means the location in Malaysia or the island in Singapore. Either case, I guess I need to groom another. Today, not being brave enough to enlist a new one with no English, I opted for her to give me reflexology.  Excellent choice. She did a great job, but frequently forgot that my knee does not turn in all directions.  Good choice for not letting her contort the body in a full Thai massage this time.  Right after the massage. my phone rang and it was my darling son Ryan. He went back to diving and was calling from work before he went into the water.  His return was rather quick so I was surprised that he was back to work so quickly this time.  Guess he plans to take the summer off, but also indicated that he will be in Singapore after this assignment, so that means he will come to see moi! Yay for that!  Now all I have to do is not bug him about when is he coming; or I can be sure he will decide he can't make it. Patience grasshopper, patience.

Home again, I faced the dreaded ironing board. Stripping down to nearly nothing, I began the chore of making all my pretty things crisp and smooth - ready to be donned and crumpled before I even see anyone.  For some wonderful reason there was a breeze blowing through the house, so ironing was not as hot as usual.  I wonder how Jan would do with the task of ironing here?  She needed a shower after washing dishes! Just as I was finishing the last blouse, the welcoming 'hello' chimed at my gate. Grabbing a kaftan and dashing down the stairs, I met the dinner express team of two of Yeets children with a tray of broccoli, pineapple, and the glorious lotus root with sesame seeds.  Half way through the delight I thought a picture was in order, so please understand that I was not sent left overs, I was just noshing before clicking. Wow, anyone who posts a picture of a chipmunk face for all to see and then admits that she began eating before she took a picture either has very good self esteem or no filters.
I did something kinda odd with the lotus roots.  In JB I picked up a coconut bun which is sooooo good.  Cut it open and layered the lotus root inside and made a sandwich. I was saving the bun for breakfast, but what the heck, the lotus root was calling it. Unconventional, but Tres Bien. 

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