VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Maybe 6 weeks is a bit long

I just realized that I have had this ear 'thing' and sneezy nose for six weeks. My hearing is ok again, but the sneezy nose is making me think I don't have to get a gym membership. I think I get enough exercise with my abs with the violent eruptions from my nose. If it is true what they say about a sneeze being as close to a heart attack (without  having one) then I should be well practiced in that arena. Various antibiotics and potions and lotions have not resolved the issue and I am getting very tired. I cannot sleep for a full night due to waking and sneezing my head off, then getting up in the morning to sneeze my way through the day.  I went to the Dr in town - twice, then on to Chinese medicine man - twice, and advice from my neighbour as well. The antihistamines work, but only the extra strength ones, and I cannot buzz around like a zombie.  So, wallet in hand, I went to the pharmacy and begged for codeine  cough syrup.  I need some sleep.  He tried to pry my hands off the bottle of magic juice and wanted to sell me antihistamines and other potions.  I bought all that, just to be able to have this 'bottle of sleep' for tonight with a promise I would go to a specialist tomorrow. Not gonna happen. I am too busy, but I will try to go on Tuesday. Pharmacy man had an insight. It could all be related to last year dengue fever episode. Not sure how, but I will allow him that thought until I find out otherwise. I am due for a blood test for that anyway.  Besides, my colleague that I work with has the same bloody symptoms as I.  He didn't have dengue.  I think I might just slip the codeine stuff under my coat and see if he wants to buy some.

For now, Kleenex manufacturers are happily watching their stocks rise as I continue to purchase 3 packages of  4 packs of the miracle paper every week, just to keep my nose wiped.

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