VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Back to work for me - Easter Day for Many

I did take myself to JB yesterday to find some kind of Easter fare.  After rummaging through the frozen meat counter I managed to find some sad little lamb chops and snatched them up quickly. The ones I took home were some little rag ends of loin lamb chops that never would have passed inspection at the border where I come from. However, imported from Australia, I decided these little jewels would do just fine with a plate of fresh asparagus on the side.  Better than chicken!  I tried desperately to find Easter candy for my neighbour children.  None to be found. No one knew what I was talking about when I foolishly asked.  Instead, I picked up large jars of Cadbury chocolate raisins and peanuts for them.  I will have to explain what their treats could have looked like and hand over these little gifts.

I found myself in a monsoon half way home and had to navigate a nasty flood on the highway.  Nothing was going to stop this Easter banquet, so taking my time wading through high waters with many others, I continued on the route and ended up in sunny Kota Tinggi.  Not having the patience to try to light a barbecue I did the unthinkable.  Grilled lamb chops on the induction cooker is better than the alternative.

Now as you all groan from too much chocolate, potato salad made from the dyed Easter eggs and whatever hunk of protein you have chosen, I begin my Monday with a drive in the heavy fog to schools and professional development sessions I will be delivering.

Happy Easter on your day Canada and whoever else is celebrating the day.

ps  I'd kill for a made in Canada devilled egg right now!

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