VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, April 30, 2012

Labour Day in Malaysia

Unlike our Labour Day in September, it is celebrated on May 1 every year here. So, also unlike being the first Monday of a month, it is always May 1.  Don't care. It is a day off.

It did't rain yesterday. I hope this is a new pattern. Guess I will tackle the data analysis that is sitting waiting for me to get done.  Maybe a reward of 'The Big Bang' episodes that I have on loan can be mine at the end of the day.

My neighbour brought me a delicious coconut last night. I buy these myself but this one is superior to what I buy. She told me that these are Thai coconuts.  Unlike the local ones, these are picked very early, and the result speaks for itself.  The coconut water tastes completely like coconut and the meat inside the shell is so soft and tender, it peels out easily - kind of like soft pudding.  Asking where I can buy these, she had difficulty explaining.  I guess I have to either follow her some day or just wait for the treat delivered to me.  The vendor only sells at night apparently, and sounds like - from his house.  Could be a tad difficult to find this on my own. I will definitely have to order these when Ry comes to visit. He has been used to this variety while living in Thailand. My own local ones will  not be adequate. And I agree.

If anyone in Canada is on Skype, I will try to have a chat with you today.

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