VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, April 6, 2012

Nice to be Home

Glad I decided to come home last night. My colleague and I came back via JB; stopping at Jusco Mall for dinner en route.   Not bad fare.  Not the best, but somewhat healthy. I had often wondered what they do with chicken wings here and discovered that question last night.  I had a plate of broccoli salad.  That was good for me. Not outstanding, it was full of raisons (yuck) and of course, a sweet dressing (yuck again).  But lots of little broccoli bits and slivered almonds, so I noshed on them.  Then, the chicken wings.  You know those little bits that are at the end of the wing, that North American restauranteurs discards?  That is what they serve. I guess I now know what happens to those bits discarded in North America.  I am not sure what one is to do with these bits, so I opted to do nothing.  For heaven sakes, there is NO MEAT on those little bits.  And again, I am left with the question - what the heck do they do with the actual meat portions of chicken in this country? I have never seen any served here, unless you count KFC.  What the heck! Maybe the two cultures trade their 'bits' via airmail so that Westerners get the meat, and Asians get the bits.

The presentation was kind of cute. A wee white bowl - like something miso would be served in, teaming with wing bits. Probably about 20 - 25 of the little bony things.  

I guess I can still say I am still on a vegetarian diet.

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