VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Whitey Feels the Sting

Racism is everywhere. Today, I managed to be the recipient of that very thing.  We whities seem to think we are immune to this but alas, not so.  I have had it with internet and this pathetic device given me to work with.  Traipsed down to the one and only internet connect shop and was told that I must give a deposit that is more than 10 times what a Malay would pay.  Why?  When I asked why, I was told that I was not Malay.  I asked how she knew I was not a Malay, to which she could not frame an answer.  She recovered and said I must provide my IC number to prove I am Malay.  Of course I do not have one so the deposit for foreigners was still required.  Why? Because they seem to think I will skip the country and rack up thousands of ringgits in charges and not pay.  Good grief.  My utility bills are always paid in advance. I hate going to make the payments so I prepay everything well in advance. The internet providers have taken this to the extreme and seem to think I want to be part owner of the bloody company.

I did send an SMS to my landlord, or whoever has taken over since the original one died, asking if they would sponsor me. Charges for a Malay are a fraction of what they want from me, but no reply as of yet. I called again and the person who is looking after my tenancy sounds like he just might help me out. He need not pay any of his own money. Just his name on the account gives me the privileges of a local, and I would be more than happy to give him the funds to make this happen. Said he will go to the internet office and find out how we can do this.  So, although some like to look upon me without trust and definitely without equality, everyone does not fit into that category.  Lets see what transpires.  I just might be back in the technical age again very soon if this person feels he can trust me to pay the monthly charges on time.  Wow! Internet fast enough and consistent enough to Skype with my family. Does life get any better than this?


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