VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nostalgia? Wistfulness?

Are these words to describe me at this time? If so, does it mean I am homesick?  I am not sure I have ever felt homesick over any events.  Maybe the birth of my granddaughter, maybe moving on from one place in Canada to another, or maybe when I am home and others I love go on their own adventures.  What I do know now is that I felt the pining, the longing, the nostalgia of other times when I waited to hear the news of the tsunami outcome. 

How did this heal?  Last night when snuggled in my bed reading one of my new books, I received a phone call.  No one phones at night , at least not to my line. Maybe a text message, but never a phone call. I quickly picked up the call, and there on the other end was my dear friend who only a few years ago helped me through the tsunami of 2004.  To hear her voice, recall past events that felt like only yesterday, and just listen to her talking were the medicine I needed.  I was exhausted from the previous sleepless night, yet could not close my eyes.  We talked about everything. We talked about nothing. But just like being next door to her, we picked up the conversation and healed my traumatized self. 

 I may be sounding a bit dramatic here, but if you are a parent, then you can understand how I felt.  Powerless, yet longing to hear the words you want to hear.  Words do have a tremendous power.  If you hear what you are longing to hear you heal. If you hear otherwise, you fall further into despair.  All during the waiting game, you create the outcome with your mind and play it over and over again.  I did get a message this morning. Ry is ok.  That is also what I needed. But even without that message, I was able to sleep like a baby last night. Why? I guess it is because I was comforted in knowing that someone cared enough to call.  We all need each other.  It has been made crystal clear to me once again.

The dawn is breaking, the birds are singing, and the chariot awaits. Now time to don the duds and finish up this week with a happy heart.

Thank you Jilly for the call.  You cannot imagine how that helped me.  I will always answer the phone.

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