VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What the Heck with the Weather?

I thought the monsoon on Monday was the mother of all monsoons. Today beat that one.  Driving from a school not that far from the one I needed to get to took me 45 minutes. It should have taken 10 or 15.  I was wise enough to keep my driver side window raised, my colleague was not. She looked quite amusing when she arrived.  About half of the mentees did not show up for the Professional Development program. Feigning heavy rain.  Maybe not feigning; maybe just wise.  I am just amazed that I made it and a local could not.  We are not supposed to have this sort of weather right now. I recall last year there were weeks without more than a few drops of moisture squeezed from the blazing skies.

So how did I amuse myself yesterday afternoon you ask?  I went on a journey around the city dropping in on the equivalent of a mayor, then the education ministry office, and finally back home to write to the political representative for my neighbourhood.  Everyone was very willing to meet me even though I did not have an appointment.  Probably curious about the white lady who had the nerve to just drop in. Now that I have done my rants, in a ladylike manner, I am going to let these conversations bubble and see what happens.  All this was in aid of the desire to have a phone line in order to have internet in my home.  I don't even want a phone line, but was sure to espouse the fact that phones should be considered essential services for every citizen in this country in the interest of safety in an emergency situation.  Added too that in my home country, phones are a right, not a privilege.  Not sure that is true, but I don't think anyone will be researching.

As for the chariot, it had a fine wash today. Good thing - I never get it washed otherwise.  I think that the grottier it looks the less appealing to break-ins, right?  Tomorrow is Pasir Malam.  I have told all my friends about it, and one from Batty Pahat has said she wants to come to visit me tomorrow and then go together to the market. We might even head to Singapore on Saturday for an overnight there too.  We will see how energetic we both are by tomorrow. Unfortunately, we missed the symphony concert I wanted to attend. Karen's passport ran out of pages, so she is still without a passport to leave the country. She is hoping it might be delivered tomorrow.  That is our decision maker for any travel this weekend.

My Phuket parcel arrived in Vancouver today.  Now I await a photograph of the gremlins in their new elephant emblazoned  attire.

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