VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Now I Know Why Blood Pressure Rises

I just spent the last hour on the phone. Talking to internet providers is not a favourite pastime but it worked!  After hanging up on them because I could not get a straight answer, I moved ahead and called my MP for my district. They were happy to represent me in this issue and were ready to take action once I gathered a petition of neighbours names. Settling into writing this petition, my cell phone rang. T M was back on the line. This time with an offer to install internet in my home.  I must have worn them down.

I asked if my neighbours would also qualify for this offer. Yes.

Holy Crow, wonders never cease.  I have given up on the other home wireless internet provider. It sounded much less complicated, but they do not have a phone number to contact them, and they too do not offer service where I live.  But these guys I have now enlisted to bring in the world into my home are in the process of upgrading (not in my area of course just yet) but who knows - could be soon. The upgrade will be fibre optic. Just like Canada! Wow.  For now, a cable, but better than a dongle.

I am sure my blood pressure is over the moon after this afternoon nonsense.  Now I will settle down and pour a glass of Welch's with sparkling water and pat myself on the back. Well done Frannie, well done.

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