VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dragon Fruit to the Rescue

There is a silver lining to all this rain.  I came home to my neighbour calling over the wall and offering a package.  Yay, WHITE dragon fruit. She knows I love the white variety, and has now told me how to know which is red and which is white.  I have been scouring the shops but can only find the red stuff. But she scoured better and found me a few white ones. Had one right away, and will tuck into the others later today.

Rain and fog are the environment here.  I don't understand why this is happening, but I guess it does not matter that I don't understand it. It just happens.  The house really does not cool off as it normally does when it rains.  The humidity makes it impossible for the air to move anywhere.  It just sits in a soggy blanket and feels like one is trying to walk through water. It sure is nice to have the screens on my french doors - they do let in more of the heavy cooled air than I had before.  I think I will go out to the patio for a few minutes before I prepare for work, As I told a friend in an e-mail, Gordie does not join me in my morning sojourns to the patio garden. He is like a clock, and appears from behind my television at 5:45 nightly. Much like a teenager, he tends to sleep all day and frolic all night.  He dashes up the wall and then slips through the well sealed patio door track to frolic on the patio ceiling for the night. If the light has not been turned on, he looks over his shoulder at me in the house and chirps until I turn it on.  He actually chirps all the time, but I think that he has a special chirp for me if he thinks I have forgotten his need for illumination.  He clearly wants all the girl geckos to see his muscular build and handsome face.  Before long he has a bevy of girls dancing on the ceiling and playing tag.  The funniest thing they do, if I am out there, is freeze if they spy me looking at them. Not a movement, until they think I have diverted my attention to something else.  Yes, they are beige, just like the ceiling, but I can see them clearly.  For some reason, they think that if they do not move, they cannot be seen.  They will hang there upside-down for ages, waiting for me to look away. Last night, while working on my computer, I spied Gordie flitting in and out from behind my Ronald McDonald poster calendar on the wall nearby.  He would take a peek, hide again and emerge from a different location and look again. The poster is about 4 feet by 3 feet, so a great distance for him to travel behind.  He probably wonders how I manage to be in his vision when he goes from one end to the other.  Must be thinking 'she is one big person to be able to take in this vast territory'. It was painful watching the little guy try to find an escape route that I would not witness.  Not sure why he has taken up this new hiding spot. I guess even he is getting tired of the rain so is scouting out new hiding places in the house.  Good grief, look what my life has become.  A gecko essay writer.

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