VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Weird Noise Outside

I am glad my gate is locked.  I don't think I would venture out to lock it tonight. There is some very odd noise occurring somewhere down the road.  A constant kind of honk - like a Canada goose, but just one honk, and then a space of silence. The dogs on the street have been yelping and then you can hear then tearing down the road for home.  Hmm, I wonder what it is?

I ventured out briefly this afternoon after working on making order in my house all morning and afternoon. I have managed to laminate almost all the stuff that needs that 'jacket' and then tried to get online to do my uploads for work. No way, Jose.  Internet was not friendly today, so I went downtown and decided to see if I could find some kind of bread to eat in Kota Tinggi.  I found something called whole grain, so we will see how it works.  En route I saw some fridge in front of a shop I had bought something in the past. The vendor came out and chatted, I asked how much (because it is larger than the little dollhouse fridge I purchased when landing here) and he advised me it was second hand. I opened the doors, and all looked fine, so parted with RM250 and it is in my lizard kitchen as I type.  I was told that I must not turn it on for 4 hours for some reason of something or other settling in that length of time. Maybe it is just to make sure the shop is closed when I call and say it does not work.  What the heck, if it doesn't work, it is cheaper than a kitchen cupboard. And if that is the case, I now have a kitchen cupboard.  I am already visualizing bottles of sparkling water, watermelons and dragon fruit adorning the shelves of this second fridge.   I do hope it is more than a kitchen cupboard.

Now that the laminating mess is cleaned up and vacuumed I guess I need to get back to the char woman duties and wash the floors.

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