VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter and other stuff

I have an update for the Streamyx (wireless internet and phone line) request.  Once my kind landlord tried to help and discovered that they will not provide a phone line to me because I am in the middle of a jungle, I took back the reins.  Several e-mails have sped through the ethers.  Some were a tad frustrating, because the recipient was short on English skills which meant less than adequate responses to my questions.  However, I began a new mission and wrote a brief letter to many of my neighbours who might also be interested in this service. Yeet told me she had tried to get internet and phone service before I arrived and was told 'not a chance'.  She is very excited that I could possibly make this a reality in the 'hood.  Others have echoed her feelings, so back to the help desk at Streamyx I went. Especially when I opened my mail this morning and discovered that my last e-mail was replied to, and my concerns have been escalated to 'various' departments in order to find a way to provide the service I requested.  Once they read this e-mail I am sure they will be wringing their hands and counting the ringgits they could amass if all of us get the phones and internet installed. I sure hope that this issue is guided by their usual focus, which tends to be money. Wow, I could join the technical age soon.

Happy Easter to everyone. Hope you enjoy your chocolate bunnies and whatever treats you are preparing for the feast.  Leg of lamb and big honey hams are not something one would find here. As many of you know, I would never consider an Easter Egg hunt. The eggs creep me out too much and there are no chocolate ones! So I will live vicariously through your menu and celebration.  Oh drat. It is only Saturday for you.  Guess I need to hold off on that for another day.
my favourite Easter cartoon

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