VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thanks to My Agent in Canada

Not sure what I would do without Jenn who looks after my taxes and affairs back home. On top of her heading back to work as a mother of two toddlers, I continue to be amazed at what she can do in a day.  I had trouble figuring out what to make for dinner when I was a stay at home mom in my youth.

As for the snotty nose, it was better last night with the Chinese medicine in me.  I did however, turn on the fan of the air conditioner in my room. Not really sure I did it correctly, as I was freezing all night, so I think I also allowed air conditioning to happen too. I kept finding something else to pile on my frozen body.  Thinking that getting rid of some of the humidity might help was my goal.  My dinner delivery was over last night and told me once I get a handle on this sneezy nose she will bring me curried vegetables. Now that is an incentive!  I also promised to drink only warm water - no tea, no cold drinks.  Echoed message from the Chinese medicine man via Yeet.  She did smile when she viewed the latest finds I added to the garden. Especially the curry leaf tree.  Maybe that is what precipitated the offer of curried veggies.

Oh yes, I was yet again conned. Kipmart - where I pick up fresh fruits conned me again.  The guys who sell me dragon fruit descended upon me when I arrived. I have not been buying dragon fruit lately because I do not really enjoy the red variety. That is all that has been available lately.  Dashing toward me, the vendor pushed dragon fruit into my hands. Yes, yes, white, white, now we have.  I bought the usual 3 for RM10 and was delighted. My other vendor who pushes mangos on me filled a sack of honey mangos as well.  Arriving home, I peeled a dragon fruit, anticipating the white flesh and juicy delight. RED, BLOODY RED!  CONNED again.  I am sure they are having a good laugh even today. I gave the other two to Yeet last night. She advised that excess fruit with this 'nose' issue is not good. Maybe she just wanted the fruit. hee hee  She has taught me, however, how to distinguish between red and white dragon fruit.  Now I can determine which to take home. The white variety is elongated. The red, compact and round.  I had an idea to buy a dragon fruit tree and plant it. Yeet dissuaded me, saying it would take over the entire property.   Here ends your lesson on shopping for dragon fruit.

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