VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, March 19, 2012

Congee for the Patient

My family can be assured I am always looked after when ill in this part of the world. I have had about 10 showers today - after each time I wrap myself in whatever semblance of a blanket I can find and shiver like crazy and then go limp in a pool of sweat. Perhaps I should say ' a glow', but sweat is more descriptive of the action.  Yeet arrived at the gate with the usual food offering, and came in to assess my health.  I explained I had seen a doctor and was on antibiotics. The goofy guy told me clearly to take the full 5 days for the prescription as it was a very strong medicine and required the full dose.  Problem is; he gave me enough for 4 days.  So after Yeet went on to measure my french doors, because she intends to build me screens for those doors, I decided I would take myself to the doctor office and pick up the final day of my prescription that was not given the other day.  Stopping in there, I found dozens of bodies in various poses, moaning, chattering, and looking like I did not want to sit beside any of them.  Doing an about turn, I left the clinic and headed to Kota Jaya.  The Pasar Malam was on.  A coconut shake was waiting for me.  Found a close parking spot and took my sack of ringgits and toddled down to the shake man.  I knew what I had to do.  I ordered one shake, and began to slurp it up the straw. Then, with addiction satisfied, I ordered 6 more.  A crowd gathered to watch this foreigner attempt to drink 7 shakes. I assured them I was taking them to others.  Not sure that was believed.  But with several little bag-like efforts strung on the shakes (Jan knows what I mean about that configuration) I headed back to the car.  Turning on the air conditioning full-blast, which is not my style, I drove homeward.  The shakes needed the help or they would have been murky pools on the seat of my car otherwise.  Good thing I came home with gifts.  Yeet was sending her daughter over to my house with rice congee for the patient.  So, I took my gift home and enjoyed the happy faces receiving coconut shakes topped with yam ice cream.  (I did tell the vendor that the vanilla with chocolate sprinkles really should be an option at all times)

even my hair turned yellow
So my belly full of rice congee (which really is not bad - kinda honey flavoured mucky rice) and a coconut shake I am ready for another shower and hit the sack.  Tomorrow I will face the clinic again - I still have one more day of the prescription and would hate to have taken this crap and not finished the course.


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