VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Seeing What I Do and Doing What I Do

Took the two house guests on my rounds the last two days to see where I go every day.  To give you an idea of where we were, here are a couple of pictures of two of the schools.  One, the Chinese school as you enter, shows mud, construction site, and not much else. That is the environment for the next year or so, and yet they seem to be able to cope with this and still be very much leading in the learning area compared to the other schools I work with.
On our journey to the next school, I stopped at a typical row of shops to buy them cold drinks, and they were completely fascinated with this box.  Inside the box was some chickens - I think 4 or so. So you can imagine how crammed they were inside. In the hot sun.  And behind the box, you see a stump; embedded in the stump is a cleaver.  Dinner anyone?
The Tamil school head mistress was warned of my guests arriving, so she waited with anticipation in her office - entertaining all of us very kindly before we took part in a classroom activity of each reading to the children before I played a game with them.  I think everyone enjoyed themselves.  Many photos were taken from the top floor of the school because the visa takes in Singapore downtown, which is only about 10 miles from where we were.  

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