VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fire Trucks and Fires

Arriving home from the doctor, I heard fire trucks travelling down my sleepy roadway.  I also could hear some noise from the upstairs of my home, so dashed up there to see what was wrong. Coming through one of the back bedroom windows was a cloud of smoke.  There is a large berm behind my house where once a jungle stood before our houses were built.  Over the berm is a massive orchard nursery that grows and exports the lovelies to you.

Seems one of my neighbours wants to take over this berm to grow vegetables. Not a bad idea; especially if I get to be a recipient. Also a very good idea, because the flora that grows naturally on the floor of a jungle is a perfect habitat for the fauna I do not want to meet - cobras and pythons.  However, he decided to clear the land by lighting a fire.  It was quite amusing to watch the firemen attempt to extinguish the flames.  For some reason, they wear camouflage uniforms; I guess to sneak up on the fire, or maybe to hide from what the fire fleshes out.  There he stood with a hose with less pressure than my own patio hose for my flowers.  He would wave the hose wildly, kind of like the Pope sprinkling holy water on the masses, in hopes that the drizzle of water that found its way out of the hose would reach the flames engulfing the palm trees.  Didn't work. But the truck soon left once the monsoon settled in; knowing that nature would take over and repair the damage.  

As for the doctor visit, she kept me there until she could take 3 normal BP readings in a row. I worked hard at making this happen, and then realized I was just keeping it elevated. So, I settled down and watched the replacement for India, A Love Story on the waiting room television and naturally lowered my BP in the process.  Who could not calm down when watching Daffy Duck and the Tazmanian Devil?

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