VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Alone again, and more Saturday drivel AND Geckos Can't Swim

What I learned today was that bleach works exactly the same in Malaysia as it does in North America.  Guess the reverse spiral of things flushing down drains does not affect bleach effects.  Now I own a lovely blue towel with artistically placed white fluffy clouds.  I could not have done this as cleverly if I tried. Also a lovely tan linen dress that looks like I dyed it in a 1960s tie-dye kitchen. 

I think I wrote somewhere on this blog that once I gave away all my CD’s I would NEVER purchase another.  Well, I am not very good at keeping a promise.  Coming back from Singapore I carried 3 new CD’s in my satchel to add to my assortment that I bought a few months ago.  The lucky neighbours are getting a treat of my mixture of ABBA, Michael Jackson and the Gypsy Kings while I clean and do further damage to my laundry.

I wonder if my kids will have a chuckle reading these posts when I am pushing up daisies somewhere in this world; that is if I ever get around to publishing it.  I haven’t managed to amass a great deal of wealth to leave them, but if they ever have the energy, they can come to Malaysia and witness my legacy here.  The Madam Frances Library will live on long after I am gone, and children here can enjoy the silly books I have been reading to them.

So, why am I here?  I have wondered that often.  We always discover the reason we thought we did something was not really the end reason for doing it.  I don’t think I will even try to guess this one.  I have had so many epiphanies about this and each one over rides the former. Maybe I was put here to learn that you should never reach under your bed thinking you are reaching for a large black shiny twist tie.  It could be a baby cobra!

Right now, my purpose in life is trying to figure out how to get an overwhelmed gecko out of my kitchen sink. I washed a tall glass vase and was tossing the soapy water from the dishpan into the sink. Spying some wriggly object, I ran more water and discovered a drenched gecko.  I have tossed several clean glasses of water on him to see if he will try to leave, but to no avail.  Argh.  I liked the fact that we have established an agreement of not invading each other’s space, and I am not interested in doing mouth to mouth or CPR on the little guy.  I do draw a line.  I may never wash dishes again – at least until he dries up or moves on.   Can geckos swim?

All those silly people who keep telling me I am so brave should be reading this.  Can’t really claim any bravery in my makeup while I contemplate Gordon’s relative in my sink and the need to wash dishes.  I just took another look at the little guy. He is definitely much darker than a normal gecko. Kinda dark brown; not tan.  Last time I saw that, I swept up the critter and disposed of him in the trash.  I wonder how long it will take for him to dry out?

Drat, the last glass of water just drenched him and he did nothing.  Now what?  No one around to rescue me, I just can't pick up this little guy. I just can't.  I guess I answered my first question.  Geckos clearly cannot swim.

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