VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, March 23, 2012

Waterman Wong deserves his own page

While I had house guests this month, I was lucky enough to have them stay home awaiting Waterman Wong's arrival to repair plumbing.  I had taken up residence on the sofa and used the main floor loo while the guests were here.  Slipping into the main floor bathroom one morning, I truly did slip across the floor before the overhead light fought its way into the on position.  Seems that the bathroom above had leaked a substantial amount of water into this room.  I fell dramatically on my left knee and lay there moaning in a heap on the ceramic floor.  After composing myself I figured out that nothing was broken - only badly bruised.  But what pain! (that was resolved with Yeet and her Chinese medicine the next day)  Now what?  Lucky for all of us, the landlady (in training) arrived that day and dispatched Waterman Wong to my home the next day.

I came home after work to a rather quiet subdued lot.  Seems Wong had climbed a ladder to survey the damage from below, and found himself flying through the air from 15 feet above the floor.  The ladder, like many items made from metal in Malaysia was more of aluminum foil quality than actual aluminum construction to hold the weight of a body.  He grabbed at anything along the way but unsuccessfully broke the fall. On the way down he grabbed a mirror, which shattered into shards of glass everywhere, the bathroom sink, which miraculously did not break when it hit the floor, and the head of the shower, allowing water to spew forth into the chaos.  Landing on the floor, he was uninjured, and collected himself up to survey the damage.  First thing in order - a new ladder.  That completed, he repaired the plumbing problem, then began to reset the undamaged sink. This was not as successful. He dropped the sink and finally crack it in half.  Off to a shop to buy a new one.  And best of all, he managed to increase the water flow in ALL THE BATHROOMS. Sinks and toilets.  Now, a gush of water hits you so hard you think you have turned on a hydrant.  I guess sand is in the water and it blocks the flow eventually.  Glad that the house guests were here. Otherwise I would be waiting until some time in May to get this work done.  And, they followed him around to point out all the other problems that I had learned to live with.

Now equipped with G force toilets and sink faucets, I can flush and turn on taps to my heart's content.  Funny how little things like this can bring such joy.  As for the new sink, I have been advised that it does not really fit the base - it is larger than the other - so DO NOT LEAN ON IT.  Could begin a whole new flood. I gaze on this wonderful sink and think I am truly blessed. It is larger, deeper, and shinier than the one it replaced.  Still only a one tapper - and off to the right, I comfort myself in knowing that I can wash my hands in record time and even remove all the soap from that wash.  Sometimes this exercise takes longer than the toilet tank to recover. Wow!  Still not sure how I remove the sand from the faucets, but that is not an issue just yet. And I have Waterman Wong in my address book in the blackberry. So who cares.

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