VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chinese Medicine Rocks!

The event of water damage and Waterman Wong repairing it all left me with a knee that fell heavily to the floor as I slid through the water in the first place.  Landing on ceramic tiles on an already injured knee was not what I wanted just before a vacation.  I could barely walk today, but had to climb many a stair and worse yet, descend them at the schools.  Yeet greeted me warmly as I arrived home, with her daughter and she taking up visitation with me on the patio.  She brought some kind of beverage made from some kind of flower (brought that to show me) and told me to drink it.  We decanted it into a pitcher and poured me a glass.  Then, she brought out some kind of Chinese herbal medicine patch and plastered gently onto my knee.  I could not stay to visit long - I had a nightmare bank visit that turned into something worse than I could have imagined. But it resolved somewhat, so I will keep the faith that things do eventually work to some degree here in you know where.  On my return, Yeet dashed over to my gate to see how my knee was.  Incredibly, I had noticed at the bank that it did not hurt, I could lift it into the car without having to carry my leg inside, and then I demonstrated for her that I could move my knee in all directions, except backwards of course.  I am sold on Chinese medicine. I have no idea what is in the stuff but if faith is the only requirement, I will demonstrate my faith at every corner.

Now in my nest, I decided that a run through with the vacuum was definitely in order. I heard the familiar 'hello' at my gate once I turned off the vacuum cleaner.  They were amazed that I could do housework when only hours earlier I could barely walk. I was too.  Still worrying, Yeet told me to take a bath and get to bed.  Or maybe she just wants some quiet in the neighbourhood and figured that was a polite way to phrase it. As for vacation time, I will be happy to demonstrate to my travel partner the motions I can make with these gams.  That, of course will be after she tells me how annoyed she is that she left her I Phone plugged in the charger here under my desk.  I saw that in the cleaning frenzy a few hours ago.  Good thing I lent her my spare phone I have here, so at least we can communicate when she gets back into the country.

As for the bank story, you would not believe it if I told you. So I won't bother.  I wonder if I have high blood pressure now?

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