VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, March 25, 2012


For those who know me, you will be delighted to hear I have found some scrabble players.  Now, because I bought some stupid game called Sahibba, I have to go and buy a scrabble game.  I will donate the Sabibba game to the travelling library.  It was advertised as a scrabble type of game but it is not at all.

Yeet and her friend Yin dropped in this afternoon and watched me laminate flashcards for this week. They both promised they will play scrabble with me. And we will bring the kids over too and it will improve their English too.   Jeng, Yeet's son came over today but was clearly bored with our conversation.  So I gave him a box of Curious George books to look at and before you knew it, he was reading all of them.

I don't care that I will not have a challenge in the game, initially. It is my hope that I will have to work to win within a few months.  So, who knows, if I get enough people to play scrabble with I don't know when I will come back to Canada.

And of course, I was given some kind of Chinese medicine for these allergies I have developed lately.  Nothing serious, just plant things that will eventually go away once the plants finish whatever cycle they are in. But with one dose of the stuff I already can breath better than I did with all the sack of stuff I got from the doctor.

Now to get the stuff ready for tomorrow. It will be a long day. Long in comparison to the usual days anyway.

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