VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Never Happy With What We Have, Are We?

Today, because it was pouring and thus compromised my internet, I took myself to my hairdresser for a trim.  While I waited in the chair for my turn I made an observation.

Seated next to me was an Orang Asi, which is the term used in Malaysia for the aboriginal people here.  Next to him was an elderly Chinese woman.  The Orang Asi was having a hair cut - a Farrah Fawcett kind of thing.  The aboriginals here have lovely black slightly curly hair. Curly enough just to kind of bounce around their head in a tousled kind of manner. Very attractive.  However, after the cut, he had his locks straightened with a straightening iron.  Why?  The Chinese lady was sitting patiently while her little plastic curlers did their magic to curl up her straight hair.  Once they were removed, there was a mass of little wee curlies adorning her head.  Why?

Now we come to me.  I went in for my usual trim, and Hoe does an incredible job.  Hoe, however, had other plans for me.  While I waited for my turn, she arrived with a brush of sorts and administered some gunk on the temples of my locks.  Not knowing what she did, and both of us compromised by language differences, I just accepted the treat she applied because she gave me the thumbs up when she finished doing this.  She always cuts my hair dry, but this gunky stuff was not dry, so she led me to the sinks.  Rinsed out the 'stuff' and took me back to the chair for the trim.  What was this magic stuff?  Well, I have been proudly nurturing my two little grey temples of hair that have sprouted last fall.  They tend to be kind of springy and a bit wavy, so I do my best to let them show.  I think I have earned the new colour and like to show it off in order to get the respect or whatever it is I think I might gain form owning these little bits of non colour.  Hoe had thought they were something to hide. She mixed up some dye and covered them with her magic wand.  Waaaaah.  Now I have to wait for them to grow out again and then probably give them a trim because they will be half and half.

What I deduced from my observation today is that whatever God gave us seems to be something we really did not want.  If we have straight hair, we want it curly, if we have curly hair, we want it straight.  As for myself, I was looking forward to being able to show off those grey temples a bit better with a fresh hair cut, but guess that is not going to happen any time soon.  I do know however, that over the years I have done all the things that these others in the salon did today. Like them, I felt it was something that made me look much better than if I had not.

Now I am looking for some way for others to see my full image just like those magic mirrors in British India shops that make you look fabulous in anything you try on.  Maybe I need to invent some kind of glasses that are mandatory for citizens to wear, whenever I am in view. Maybe they could also cause the viewer to see a 'touch of grey at the temples' too.

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