VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St Paddy's Day

Home at last - sad to leave my buddy in Singapore.  We had a wonderful visit - I was so lucky to have friends actually make the journey to where I live and see how I live here.  Their time here opened their eyes to a different way of living, and they stepped up to the experience with open hearts. Thank you both.

Now listening to dancing queen on Abba Gold.  Good memories of our dancing and prancing about my home while we were all here.  Oops, I recall saying 'no more cd's for this girl'.  Just picked up 3 in Singapore to help me through times when I just wanna hear western words.  No more.

Tomorrow will post Phuket pictures. For now - finding a doc that can clear my stuffed head to allow me to hear things around me.

Cheers to the green - I still have some Jamieson's in my kitchen - complements of house guests! Maybe this is important here.  He drove the snakes out of Ireland.  Now he needs to make sure they are out of Kota Tinggi too!

Meandered to the dr. this afternoon after I got home.  Bit of a challenge - I mistakenly took two heavy duty antihistamines this morning instead of two pain pills.  Not a great thing to have in the system and try to navigate the roads of Kota Tinggi.  Really needed some relief from whatever I managed to pick up because I cannot hear anything and have a very congested head.  Seems all is inflamed - so of course the dispensing of  a pharmacy that could match any retail outlet is now in my home.  Also given a week leave from work, due to the antihistamines he gave me. I think I will ignore that one, but definitely will stay home for a day or so to get back into a clear head.

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