VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, March 5, 2012

House Guests, Plumbers, and other stuff

I kept thanking my house guests for the incredible help I was given with their presence.  Waterman Wong could have never done his magic had they not been here.  As I swanned off to work in my chariot, the two were in charge of staying home to receive his presence to repair one of my bathrooms.  I had numerous calls from the landlord always telling me is ETA, which I passed on to the ladies.  First arrival was the landlord (not really the landlord - he died) but his relatives and Waterman.  Bringing the ladder.  Remember, the ceiling in this palace, are about 15 feet on the main floor. He needed to access the upper bathroom from the main floor to see what was going on.  Things digressed from the arrival of the ladder. The giggles and recounting of events was most entertaining.  Once he returned to begin the job, apparently, he toppled from the ladder because it collapsed. You can only understand this once spending time here. Aluminum 'things' here are like aluminum foil with the same strength.  Down from the apex, the grabbed anything to break his fall which resulted in my basin being pulled from it's roots, then the shower head ripped from the wall - leaving a gaping scar along the way, and in the mix, the mirror tilted on the little sink and anything else that was in his path.  He somehow managed to salvage the sink from this massacre, but then once ready to reinstall it, managed to drop it and crack it in half. Alas, another trip to the shops to replace the broken vessel.  Once I arrived home, the house had been swabbed, the sink replaced, Louise making sure he repaired all the deficiencies that I have been told to live with.  Sinks that would dribble far less than a refined lady could spit, toilets that caused angst when you needed more than one flush, and a new shower head.  Yes, I do have good friends. That is why they joined me in my humble home.  And I, the hero, who was earning a living in the big city was wise enough to drop into Nando's and ask them to deliver dinner to the school I was working so that I could dash back and feed the hungry workers.

I am sad to see the end of this wonderful group we built in just one week - including several days of one of the group ailing.  Thank God they are leaving in shifts - I don't think I could survive with a full exodus tomorrow.

So, the result of today was a clean home, full bellies of Nando food and my wonderful Yeet offering of curried vegetables (because she knew my friend would love it too) and a few videos that really should be viral You tubes (but I promised not to do it) as we danced to the music of our youth that was part of their journey over this way, and last but not least, another name and 2 numbers in my blackberry with Waterman Wong as the saviour of the water woes in Kota Tinggi.

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