VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, September 10, 2012

Chicken Anyone?

The first time I saw this sort of event I ran home and decided to be vegetarian.  I was not able to capture the other part of the chicken that really freaked me out. They even have their heads on - completely plucked but fully intact.  Oops, I do see a little face looking back at me. Does that not freak you out?  And all this is in the entrance to the food shop, not chilled, no glass barrier between you and the birdies, and waiting to be grabbed by a foot while flies buzz around the entire mass!

I have since found a vendor at the wet market, which is a big kind of building thingy, that sells veggies, fruits, meats, and fish all raised locally.  The chicken I buy is on ice, and they grab a chicken breast when they see me coming. I have managed to train them to debone it and wrap it up according to my instructions.  How they prepare it is a bit unnerving.  If one is not ready for me, they grab a whole chicken, lean it into a Red Green kind of saw and whiz it through the circular blade until it is buzzed into about 5 pieces. Now I understand why you cannot ever get a chicken thigh here without getting some nasty bony mass attached. The thigh is not just a thigh, even at KFC.  It is an event with shards of other bony material that is not nice. But then, how can one be very precise when they are working with a circular saw and not a knife?  As for buying fish here, you can imagine. I quit after a fish monger murdered a snapper so badly I did not know what I had in the bag when I got home.  The locals just buy the fish - guts, face,  and all and take it home and do who knows what  to it to prepare for the family.

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