VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, September 15, 2012

computers et al

Someone sent me this link
is this where we are going?

I am sharing this one with you because it speaks to communication, collaboration, and connectivity. All things I am very interested in. All things I see seriously changing in how we perform these undertakings. I may be very wrong with my perspective, but I do not see leaders being born through this technological forecast.

Now, much like a movie I watched last night titled My Sister's Keeper  we are looking into the future and trying to fit into that design that scientists are predicting.  I wonder how we will fit.  If we buy into this technology that is being predicted, where is imagination left for the common people.   The movie I watched was sort of about technology we have now. A mother faced the death of her young daughter because she had leukemia.  A doctor told her of the option of conceiving a petri dish child that would be an exact copy of her sick daughter's DNA. He also told her he was ethically bound to not tell her of that option, but the words were already said and the mother was grasping at all chances; like a mother would do.  This new daughter would be able to constantly share her good health with the dying daughter.  What happens is a mother losing sight of the rights and responsibilities of one child over another child.  This was not a movie of a real story, but it was a movie of some real situations. How do we choose when faced with this situation? Do we choose the victim over the saviour? If we do, does the saviour not become the victim? Then what?

The scenes in this link are fascinating. But where does it leave opportunity for imagination. Is imagination not what fuels new discoveries and inventions?  Maybe the video is telling us there is nothing left to discover or invent.  Or maybe the video is telling us that big brother will look after discoveries and inventions. Or maybe the video is telling us something else.

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