VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Grumble X 3

The first rant is really bad.  Have you ever seen Ace Ventura, Pet Detective?   In my stash of movies I have a pile of Jim Carrey movies.  I popped one in today and was horrified. I saw myself in the movie. I could have easily been his double. My wonderful hairdresser kinda goofed this time.  I take part of the blame. I went for a haircut during Hari Raya.  A non Muslim should not do this. Why?  Because every Muslim in the country is getting their hair cut and primped for celebrations during Hari Raya.  My hairdresser was swamped and fit me in.  The result – some wings flying off one way and another swirl going in another direction.  I went in today to see if she could fix it. Well, she sort of fixed it, but I think I could still be asked for autographs by Ace Ventura fans.  Drat.

Rant number two.  My son has attempted to send two pieces of mail to me from S. Korea.  I have received neither.  Now, I realize that the postal system here has a bit of a light finger.  The locals have all warned me that mail goes missing on a regular basis. But I have been fortunate so many times before.  And what the heck, the mail was due to arrive during Hari Raya or Ramadan.  I thought maybe just maybe during those times the mail might be safe.  Not so.  I went into the postal outlet today to file a complaint.  That was after about twenty minutes of trying to get someone to understand that I was not trying to courier a parcel out of the country. I was trying to receive a piece of mail from S Korea (out of the country).  Korea and courier and out of the country just blurred into one mass.  As I left I muttered that I hoped that who ever lifted the card sent to me would be a fine specimen of intelligence when they tried to use it at an ATM.  It was a rapid transit card for Singapore. The idiot cannot ever use it – none of the people around here have passports!  The other piece of mail was a birthday card. Yes, the greedy little dolt probably thought someone was sending money in a birthday card.  I hope I raised enough noise there to ensure no further mail theft.  Probably not. They think the white lady has good stuff to take.

Rant number 3.  Back to traffic on the roadways.  This morning in the usual gridlock I was sandwiched between two 24 wheelers on a curve – double lane thank God, when we were approached by a swarm of scooter dudes all racing toward us – clearly on the wrong side of the road.  There were at least 50 of them, racing for their lives. This caused a bit of need to change underwear in many vehicles, until we sorted out the mess and then again on another curve found ourselves back into one lane of traffic.  The delightful men in blue (black here) were pulling over scooter boys left and right.  They tend to do these sneaky spot checks for license and registration  checks.  Clearly there were many who probably had neither. Thus the quick retreat back to from where they came until the heat was off, and sadly right in our path.  So, after that nice little wake up the rest of the trip which usually keeps one very alert was a breeze.  In comparison.

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