VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Internet, Holding a Gecko by the left leg etc

If you recall my internet woes, then you will recall that I said standing at my bedroom window, jumping on my right leg while swinging a gecko by the left leg gave me an internet connection. I guess I should not be so smug. It did not work today.  I wanted to transfer funds to my Canadian account so bit the bullet and went to the local bank to do the transaction. Not so.  They too had compromised internet and nada there.  On my way home I thought maybe just maybe Rosemerah might have a connection.  I stopped in there and lucky me - internet connected.  Now, the process of numbers, accounts, values and all else.  End of the process is requesting some magic number sent to my cell phone to input into the transfer form online.  Oh No.  My cell phone was dead.  Smart me.  I have a car charger.  Poor me.  The internet does not travel beyond the restaurant entrance.  My car cannot come into the restaurant.  Grabbing the laptop, reaching to the car, much like the jumping on one left effort at home, I managed to turn on the car, plug in the phone charger, and then wait for the magic signal that gave me a number to input into the transfer.  Ten minutes later, the ding sounded, the car was turned off, the phone unplugged from the charger, and me along with my gear returned to the table to input the number which was very close to expiring on the bank form.

Money was transferred (I hope), I was partially refreshed.  I ordered one of their slushy cappuccinos  but discovered it was removed in my money transfer absence.  Now to go home. Decant some lovely ice into a freezer bucket and pour a very nice gin and tonic and squeeze some lovely limes, to placate me for all this trouble.  I know that Jenn will let me know if the money arrived.  Because she has so little to do otherwise. (that last comment was facetious)

No Bon Apetit - NO food required.


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