VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Facebook in Malaysia

I hate Facebook. I tell everyone to stop asking me to connect there.  But still have connections. They just need to know that I will likely not visit them in that way. BUT, I just discovered a very useful feature of how the people here use Facebook.

I was travelling home today from work and almost broke down crying when I saw this big dog - I think maybe a golden retriever, sitting on the right edge of the flyover above one of my school areas.  This dog was panting and otherwise not moving. But what upset me was that I saw that dog there yesterday on my way home from work.  I felt it was odd that he was laying there yesterday on a busy highway, but I have no where to pull over in that area and just hoped that he was either dead already or for some foolish reason taking a nap on a busy road.  But today when I saw him again I realized that he must be injured and unable to move. The poor thing has been there at least 24 hours. Probably longer!  I cannot help him. The road is a nightmare for speed and there are no shoulders to pull over if you wanted to.  The dog was laying in a patch of road about 1 1/2 feet wide with trucks and whatnot whizzing past him. Today his tongue was hanging out and his head down.  I did cry, but what could I do?  I stopped at the Pos Lagu (courier service here) in Kota Tinggi to post some documents and asked them. Those idiotic morons laughed.  I responded that I knew they have no use for dogs in their culture but added that I hoped for their sake that they would not be stranded on the side of a road on any route I take. I would just have to laugh and flip the bird at them if I ever saw them in that situation.  Stunned, they just looked at me. I left.  What to do, what to do?  Maybe the police station - but they too are the same culture.  Aha, I was near the travel agency I used for Bali. They are Chinese.  In I went, on a mission. I explained my problem and asked for help. They got on the phone, came back with a number, and told me to call this person - Iris - and explain exactly where I saw the dog.  I went home, called her and guess what?  She had already received a call from some other person about the dog.  So, her connection was working in a land that does not value life if it does not fit into the culture.  She is a volunteer for animal rights groups here.  She said that the woman who called earlier was going to find a way to get help to fetch the dog and take it to a vet.  She was also logging into her Facebook page and posting the issue on her page. Everyone in this place connects on Facebook and read about everything they consider newsworthy there.  I know this because several of my mentees witnessed the video of the K T gold shop robbery during Ramadan. Not on TV. On Facebook!  Some dolt took a video of the event and posted it on Facebook.  Did they give it to the police? No.

My new contact (thanks to the Bali vacation) has the technology to help the pooch.  Thank God for Facebook in Malaysia today.  Shame on courier boys.   Don't ever need me because you can bet that I wont jump up and help.  woof woof

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