VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, September 14, 2012

What is the Purpose of a Movie?

When a movie is produced and causes unrest around the world, was it a good movie?  When a movie is produced and the content is about religion, is it fact, fiction, or frivolity? When a movie about religion is offensive to some, does that make it a good movie to others?

I have not seen the movie, and I don't intend to see it either.  We have enough problems in the world with religion appearing to be the fuel for more problems. Why would a person goad another group unless they enjoy watching conflict.  What was the producer thinking when this recent movie went to the masses?  If that producer does have a religious background, how would he feel if some person produced a film depicting the Pope, or Jesus as some individual without morals?  Does this producer have a history or a theological background?  Or was his film just some frivolous entertainment. If so, I am sad that a person would stoop to this level.  As for the reaction around the world, I am saddened further.  I am pretty sure that religion evolved to bring people together - not tear them apart.  Doesn't appear to be working that way these days, does it?

I am proud to be from a country that allows freedom of speech.  I am proud that I am from a country that does not offend others unlike ourselves.  The only media I have read concerning this film is that the producer has gone into hiding. Whenever someone produces a blockbuster film it is usual to do interviews, take bows, and preen before the cameras.  Doesn't look like this is one of those. Maybe the country where this film was produced needs to realize that we are all different. We all have rights, and we all need to respect the rights of others when we exercise our own.  Isn't there enough conflict in the world without stirring the pot with a cheap jab  like this?

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