VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What's up Doc?

Well, I have a friend in the hospital in Canada awaiting who knows what, so I find online cartoon clips and send them on to her.

Then I found a funny one for another friend who is in 'relationship' confusion.

Maybe I am not being politically correct but I plead my ignorance due to the fact that a friend brought me some extremely funny shows on dvd that are a carryover from the old Seinfeld weekly shows. It is hilarious, and extremely politically incorrect.  But what the heck those comments are just something that all of us would love to say but know we should not.  

As for any updates for here, I went to JB yesterday and thought I was driving over one of those highway 'counters'.  Once I was going bump bump over the thing I saw the end rise up, and holy crow it was a snake as long as both lanes across. Yikes!  One of those hooded 'models'.  Not sure what he was, and I don't think I want to know. Way too big for me to consider checking out, and clearly in my neighbourhood too.  EEK Well, he wont be around any longer, but he must have a wife and kids.

I cannot stand looking at these things, so consider me extremely brave for just finding a picture of the colour and shape of what I saw online.  Once uploaded, I cannot even leave it on my desktop. Turns out to be, yes, a cobra.

I cant even look at it here.

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