VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Defensive? Driving in Malaysia

I am certain there is nothing taught here about defensive driving. In fact, I am not sure there is any teaching for driving here at all.  There are no rules, or if there are any, none seem to be adhered to.  I thought I should write a driving test for those in the category I speak of to take online.


1   When driving through a parking lot and you come upon another vehicle ¾ of the way out of a parking spot you should:
(a)          speed up so you can hit them
(b)          stop and allow them to complete the maneuver
(c)          stop fairly close because you want the spot, but they cannot get out with you there
2   When coming to a stop light you:
(a)          wait until the light is green
(b)          start inching ahead and go through the red light so you can be ahead of all the other cars
(c)          open your door and spit a huge yellow goober so that those watching can throw up
3   When driving on the highway you should
(a)          always sit on the dotted line of a two lane highway
(b)          choose a lane and either drive in it or signal that you are changing lanes, then do so when it is SAFE
(c)          sit extremely close to the person in front of you, because they feel safe with you so near
4  When you approach a Berhenti sign you should always:
(a)          keep driving through because someone else will beat you
(b)          stop at the sign because it translates to STOP in English
(c)          just do a U turn – Berhenti does not apply here
5   When you cannot be first in line, then always  cut off the driver who really is first in line.
(a)          true
(b)          false
6   When you drive a scooter on the highway and end up behind everyone because you can’t keep up, it is really smart to squeeze between all the cars at a traffic light so you can be first.
(a)          true
(b)          false
7    Leaving your signal light on when on the highway – left or right - is fun because those behind you never really know what you are doing.  Besides, it lets you stay in first position.  (this one can have either answer – depending on what you think is fun)
(a)          true
(b)          false
8    Driving a scooter in flip flops and no helmet keeps you cool in the tropical sun so you are much safer doing this than wearing shoes and a helmet.
(a)          true
(b)          false
9  When there are only two lanes on the highway (or a jalan) and you cannot be first, then make another lane.
(a)          true
(b)          false
1 When the highway department makes a shoulder lane occasionally, (look it up if you don’t know the term) then consider it your own private lane to use for passing everyone on the wrong side.
(a)          true
(b)          false
1 Once again, driving very close to the car in front of you is the best way to see who is in the car, which makes it easier to describe the person you hit when you could not brake fast enough.
(a) true – but you should drive a certain number of car lengths behind the car – all according to the speed you are going.  Never tailgate.
(b) true – it is always good to know who is in front of you so you can pick them off the next time you see them ahead of you

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